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전체 23

주요정책-번호,제목,등록일,조회수로 구성된 표
번호 제목 파일 작성자 작성일 조회수
23 Morphology engineering, room-temperature photoluminescence behavior, and sunlight photocatalytic activity of V205 nanostructures 김** 2019-07-29 155
22 Enhanced Photocatalytic Activities of Vandium and Molybdenum Co-Doped Strontium Titanate Under Visible Light 김** 2019-07-29 145
21 Bulk Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in amorphous ferrimagnetic alloys 김** 2019-07-29 141
20 Possible contribution of high-energy magnons to unidirectional magnetoresistance in metallic bilayers 김** 2019-07-29 125
19 Boosting electrostriction and strain performance in bismuth sodium titanate-based ceramics via introducing low tolerance factor chemical modifier 김** 2019-07-29 125
18 A theoretical study on tuning band gaps of monolayer and bilayer SnS2 and SnSe2 under external stimuli 김** 2019-07-29 127
17 Structure stability and high Li storage capacity of the unzipped graphene oxide monolayer 김** 2019-07-29 112
16 Room-temperature photoluminescence behavior of α-V2O5 and mixed α-β phase V2O5 films grown by electrode position 김** 2019-07-29 148
15 Growing Ultrathin Cu2O Films on Highly Crystalline Cu(111): A Closer Inspection from Microscopy and Theory 김** 2019-07-29 146
14 First-Principles Prediction of Possible Rare-Earth Free Permanent Magnet of Tetragonal FeCo with Enhanced Magnetic Anisotropy and Energy Product through Interstitial Nitrogen 김** 2019-07-29 151
13 Excellent Visible Light-Driven Photocatalytic Performance and Band Alignment of g-C3N4/TiO2 Nanotube Heterostructures 김** 2019-07-29 119
12 Enhanced perpendicular magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy in an artificial magnetic material with bulk spin-momentum coupling 김** 2019-07-29 124
11 Thermally driven homonuclear-stacking phase of MoS2 through desulfurization 김** 2019-07-29 114
10 Induced high-temperature ferromagnetism by structural phase transitions in strained antiferromagnetic γ-Fe50Mn50 epitaxial films 김** 2019-07-29 118
9 High Thermoelectric Power Factor in SnSe2 Thin Film Grown on Al2O3 Substrate 김** 2019-07-29 137
8 Enhanced spin-orbit torque via interface engineering in Pt/CoFeB/MgO heterostructures 김** 2019-07-29 122
7 Hydrogen interaction with selectively desulfurized MoS2 surface using Ne+ sputtering 김** 2019-07-29 117
6 Experimental realization of atomically flat and AlO2 -terminated LaAlO3 (001) substrate surfaces 김** 2019-07-29 98
5 Universal renormalization group flow toward perfect Fermi-surface nesting driven by enhanced electron-electron correlations in monolayer vanadium diselenide 김** 2019-07-29 168
4 Tunability of magnetic anisotropy of Co on two-dimensional materials by tetrahedral bonding 김** 2019-07-29 121