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전체 49

주요정책-번호,제목,등록일,조회수로 구성된 표
번호 제목 파일 작성자 작성일 조회수
49 Treating the Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):Poly(styrenesulfonate) Surface with Hydroquinone Enhances the Performance of Polymer Solar Cells 김** 2019-07-29 411
48 Thickness effect on magnetocrystalline anisotropy of MnPt(0 0 1) film 김** 2019-07-29 346
47 Switchable Polarization in Mn Embedded Graphene 김** 2019-07-29 364
46 Optical properties of TiO2 thin films with crystal structure 김** 2019-07-29 664
45 Non-stoichiometry-induced metal-to-insulator transition in nickelate thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition 김** 2019-07-29 138
44 Highly intense room-temperature photoluminescence in V2O5 nanospheres 김** 2019-07-29 123
43 Highly Efficient and Stable Inverted Perovskite Solar Cell Obtained via Treatment by Semiconducting Chemical Additive 김** 2019-07-29 131
42 Friction characteristics of mechanically exfoliated and CVD-grown single-layer MoS2 김** 2019-07-29 129
41 Correlation of the Dzyaloshinskii?Moriya interaction with Heisenberg exchange and orbital asphericity 김** 2019-07-29 105
40 High Photoresponse in Conformally Grown Monolayer MoS2 on a Rugged Substrate 김** 2019-07-29 135
39 Synthesis and Characterization of Cyclopentadithiophene and Thienothiophene-Based Polymers for Organic Thin-Film Transistors and Solar Cells 김** 2019-07-29 131
38 Computational predictions of stable phase for antiperovskite Na 3OCl via tilting of Na 6O octahedra 김** 2019-07-29 144
37 Surface potential mapping and n-type conductivity in organic?inorganic lead iodide crystals 김** 2019-07-29 121
36 MoS2 monolayers on Si and SiO2 nanocone arrays: influences of 3D dielectric material refractive index on 2D MoS2 optical absorption 김** 2019-07-29 104
35 H2S adsorption process on (0001) α-quartz SiO2 surfaces 김** 2019-07-29 154
34 First-principles study of magnetization reorientation and large perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in CuFe2O4MgO heterostructures 김** 2019-07-29 142
33 Emergence of a Metal-Insulator Transition and High-Temperature Charge-Density Waves in VSe2 at the Monolayer Limit 김** 2019-07-29 151
32 Influences of vacancy and doping on electronic and magnetic properties of monolayer SnS 김** 2019-07-29 113
31 Ferroelectric seeds-induced phase evolution and large electrostrain under reduced poling field in bismuth-based composites 김** 2019-07-29 121
30 ZnS Buffer Layers Grown by Modified Chemical Bath Deposition for CIGS Solar Cells 김** 2019-07-29 135