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전체 14

주요정책-번호,제목,등록일,조회수로 구성된 표
번호 제목 파일 작성자 작성일 조회수
14 Temperature dependence of the critical points of monolayer MoS2 by ellipsometry 김** 2018-08-03 116
13 Platinum/palladium bimetallic ultra-thin film decorated on a one-dimensional ZnO nanorods array for use as fast response flexible hydrogen sensor 김** 2018-08-03 129
12 Nonlinear optical characteristics of monolayer MoSe2 김** 2018-08-03 138
11 Continuous Large Area Few Layers MoS2 Films by Pulse Laser Deposition and Effect of Annealing in Sulfur Environment 김** 2018-08-03 199
10 Ferroelectric and Electrical Properties of Lead-Free (K0.44Na0.52Li0.04)(Nb0.86Ta0.10Sb0.04)O3 Thin Films 김** 2018-08-03 123
9 Solution-processible Organic-inorganic Hybrid Bipolar Field-effect Transistors 김** 2018-08-03 108
8 Diketopyrrolopyrrole-based polymer with a semifluorinated 김** 2018-08-03 117
7 A microscopic study investigating the structure of SnSe surfaces 김** 2018-08-03 99
6 Facile fabrication of thermally reduced graphene oxide?platinum nanohybrids and their application in catalytic reduction and dye-sensitized solar cells 김** 2018-08-03 127
5 Effects of the incorporation of an additional pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,3-dione unit on the repeating unit of highly efficient large band gap polymers containing benzodithiophene and pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,3-dione derivatives 김** 2018-08-03 124
4 High efficient inverted bulk-heterojunction solar cells with a gradiently-doped ZnO layer 김** 2018-08-03 154
3 Laser-Induced Particle Adsorption on Atomically Thin MoS2 김** 2018-08-03 122
2 NiO Nanoarrays of a Few Atoms Thickness on 3D Nickel Network for Enhanced Pseudocapacitive Electrode Applications 김** 2018-08-03 121
1 A Novel One-Step Flame Synthesis Method for Tungsten-Doped CCTO 김** 2018-08-03 122