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전체 65

주요정책-번호,제목,등록일,조회수로 구성된 표
번호 제목 파일 작성자 작성일 조회수
65 Strain effect on electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of orthorhombic 김** 2018-08-03 114
64 New synthesis of MnSi2 thin film and its thermoelectric properties 김** 2018-08-03 344
63 Tuning the physical properties of pyrrolo[3,4-c] pyrrole-1,3-dione-based highly efficient large band gap polymers via the chemical modification on the polymer backbone for polymer solar cells 김** 2018-08-03 110
62 Photocurrent enhancement of an efficient large band gap polymer incorporating benzodithiophene and weak electron accepting pyrrolo 김** 2018-08-03 124
61 Simultaneous Improvement of Charge Generation and Extraction in Colloidal Quantum Dot Photovoltaics Through Optical Management 김** 2018-08-03 129
60 Effect of size and morphology of Au nanostructures on boosting performance of organic photovoltaic devices: Plasmonic and nonplasmonic effects 김** 2018-08-03 118
59 Carrier concentration-dependence of the Nottingham cooling of the n-type silicon semiconductor 김** 2018-08-03 107
58 Traveling Cluster Pairs in a System of Phase Oscillators with Positive and Negative Couplings under a Periodic Driving Field 김** 2018-08-03 122
57 Atomic-size tip enhanced cooling of field emission from the n-type silicon semiconductor 김** 2018-08-03 123
56 The effects of thermally-induced biaxial stress on the structural,electrical, and optical properties of Cu2O thin films 김** 2018-08-03 141
55 Post-annealing Effects on ZnS Thin Films Grown by Using the CBD Method 김** 2018-08-03 105
54 Electronic and optical properties in ZnO:Ga thin films induced by substrate stress 김** 2018-08-03 128
53 Optical Properties of Non-polar a-plane ZnO Single Crystal 김** 2018-08-03 119
52 Temperature Dependence of the Fundamental Bandgap of Cd1-xNixTe Single Crystals 김** 2018-08-03 108
51 Substrate Effects on the Structural Properties of Cd1-xMnxTe Thin Films Grown via Magnetron Co-sputtering 김** 2018-08-03 116
50 Compact low temperature scanning tunneling microscope with in-situ sample preparation capability 김** 2018-08-03 108
49 VerticallyalignedepitaxialKNbO3 nanorod arrayforpiezoelectricenergyharvester and secondharmonicgenerator 김** 2018-08-03 107
48 Antiferroelectric Thin-Film Capacitors with High Energy-Storage Densities, Low Energy Losses, and Fast Discharge Times 김** 2018-08-03 115
47 Piezoelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride trifluoroethylene) thin film-based power generators using paper substrates for wearable device applications 김** 2018-08-03 109
46 Structural characteristics and chemical bonding states with temperature in barium titanate nanopowders prepared by using the solvothermal method 김** 2018-08-03 119