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전체 16

주요정책-번호,제목,등록일,조회수로 구성된 표
번호 제목 파일 작성자 작성일 조회수
16 Strain engineering of phonon thermal transport properties in monolayer 2H-MoTe2 김** 2018-08-30 113
15 Optical and Scanning Probe Identification of Electronic Structure and Phases in CH3NH3PbBr3 Crystal 김** 2018-08-30 129
14 Macroscopic Thermal Rectification Device Using Vanadium Dioxide Thin Film 김** 2018-08-30 105
13 MoS2@VS2 nanocomposite as a superior hybrid anode material 김** 2018-08-30 108
12 Growth and Simultaneous Valleys Manipulation of Two-Dimensional MoSe2-WSe2 Lateral Heterostructure 김** 2018-08-30 114
11 Ultra low lattice thermal conductivity and high carrier mobility of monolayer SnS2 and SnSe2: a first principles study 김** 2018-08-30 131
10 Solution-Processed Transparent Intermediate Layer for Organic Tandem Solar Cell using Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Quantum Dots 김** 2018-08-30 105
9 Atomistic study of the alloying behavior of crystalline SnSe1-xSx 김** 2018-08-30 99
8 Superionic and electronic conductivity in monolayer W2C: ab initio predictions 김** 2018-08-30 110
7 Origin of p-type characteristics in a SnSe single crystal 김** 2018-08-30 123
6 Gigantic perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of heavy transition metal cappings on Fe/MgO(001) 김** 2018-08-30 111
5 Large strain in Bi-0.5(Na0.78K0.22)(0.5)TiO3-Bi(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O-3 based composite ceramics under low driving field 김** 2018-08-30 97
4 Electric control of magnetism in low-dimensional magnets on ferroelectric surfaces 김** 2018-08-30 97
3 Adsorption and diffusion of mono, di, and trivalent ions on two-dimensional TiS2 김** 2018-08-30 137
2 Thermoelectric and phonon transport properties of two-dimensional IV-VI compounds 김** 2018-08-30 128
1 Tuning Optical Band Gap by Electrochemical Reduction in TiO2 Nanorods for Improving Photocatalytic Activities 김** 2018-08-30 96