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전체 48

주요정책-번호,제목,등록일,조회수로 구성된 표
번호 제목 파일 작성자 작성일 조회수
48 Ultrafast above-transition-temperature resurrection of spin density wave driven by coherent phonon generation in BaFe2As2 김** 2018-08-03 100
47 Magnetic anisotropy energy and effective exchange interactions in Co intercalated graphene on Ir(111) 김** 2018-08-03 101
46 Magnetism and Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy of 3d Transition Metal Monolayers on Pt(001): A Density-Functional Study 김** 2018-08-03 99
45 Effect of copper oxide on the resistive switching responses of graphene oxide film 김** 2018-08-03 91
44 Unraveling Oxygen Transfer at the Graphene Oxide-ZnO Nanorod Interface 김** 2018-08-03 108
43 Pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,3-dione-Based Large Band Gap Polymers Containing Benzodithiophene Derivatives for Highly Efficient Simple Structured Polymer Solar Cells 김** 2018-08-03 93
42 The effects of P3HT crystallinity in bilayer structure organic solar cells 김** 2018-08-03 142
41 Synthesis and characterization of an ester-terminated organic semiconductor for ethanol vapor detection 김** 2018-08-03 116
40 High mobility solution-processed hybrid light emitting transistors 김** 2018-08-03 125
39 Highly efficient imide functionalized pyrrolo[3,4-c]-pyrrole-1,3-dione-based random copolymer containing thieno[3,4-c]pyrrole-4,6-dione and benzodithiophene for simple structured polymer solar cells 김** 2018-08-03 122
38 Effects of temperature-induced stress on the structural, electrical, and optical properties of ZnO:Ga thin films grown on Si substrates 김** 2018-08-03 119
37 Thickness Dependences of the Structural Optical, and Electrical Properties of Cu2Se Thin Films Grown by Using DC Magnetron Sputtering 김** 2018-08-03 98
36 Dielectric Function of the Ferromagnetic Semiconductor CdMnCrTe Studied by Using Spectroscopic Ellipsometry 김** 2018-08-03 117
35 Structural and Optical Properties in the V-doped II-VI Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Cd1?xVxTe 김** 2018-08-03 96
34 Imprint Control of Nonvolatile Shape Memory with Asymmetric Ferroelectric Multilayers 김** 2018-08-03 106
33 Dipolar polarization and piezoelectricity of a hexagonal boron nitride sheet decorated with hydrogen and fluorine 김** 2018-08-03 110
32 Computational Studies of Lead-based Relaxor Ferroelectrics 김** 2018-08-03 134
31 Origin of Piezoelectricity in Monolayer Halogenated Graphane Piezoelectrics 김** 2018-08-03 97
30 Domain switching of fatigued ferroelectric thin films 김** 2018-08-03 98
29 Semicrystalline D-A Copolymers with Different Chain Curvature for Applications in Polymer Optoelectronic Devices 김** 2018-08-03 102