울산대학교 | 미래혁신응집물질물리인재교육연구단



ICAE: International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials
작성자 김** 작성일 2022-05-03 조회수 101




Oral Presentation

Tahir Zeeshan

Observation of Multimode Exciton-Polariton in Organic-Inorganic Lead Halide Perovskite at Room Temperature


Low-dimensional lead halide perovskite are promising material for optoelectronic application owing to their facile and diverse routes of synthesis, the bandgap tunability, the high photo-emission quantum efficiencies, and the strong light matter coupling which may potentially lead to the exciton-polariton condensation. Herein, we observed the formation of multimode exciton-polaritons in methyl ammonium lead bromide (MAPbBr3) micro-crystals at room temperature. MAPbBr3 microcrystals with varying thicknesses ranging from 2.5 to 8.0 μm were grown on the silicon substrate by the space-confined anti-solvent crystallization technique. Clear anti-crossing features with a vacuum rabi splitting ~305 meV was observed in the photoluminescence spectroscopy under continuous light excitation. This high value of vacuum rabi slitting is attributed to the large oscillator strength and the excellent photon confinement capability of the self-assembled MAPbBr3 micro-crystal functioning as micro Fabry-Perot cavity. Our results provide a fundamental background to study the exciting phenomenon related to strong light matter coupling such as Bose-Einstein condensation of polaritons and polariton lasing in MAPbBr3 microcrystals.